Hyperbaric medicine uses atmospheric pressure of oxygen to promote deep healing by supplying your cells and tissues with oxygen that helps to heal your injuries and better your health. Increasing its levels in the body can help support the healing process. Once in the chamber you are exposed to pressurized air and effects during the treatment can feel similar to being at the bottom of a deep swimming pool. After a few minutes your ears may pop and the pressure sensation subsides and you can relax. For most medical conditions, a hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatment lasts approximately two hours call and it’s possible to immediately feel an increased boost of energy
Medical ozone therapy is used to promote deep healing by supplying your cells and tissues with oxygen while cleansing your system out with medical grade ozone gas. Ozone therapy treatments apply the oxygen atoms molecule (O3) to help break down the toxins that accumulate in the body. When these harmful toxins build up they begin to blocks the cells from absorbing oxygen, and when cells are deprived of oxygen they do not replicate or operate at their best. Ozone treatment applies the molecule (O3) through injection, topically, in gas baths or ozonated water approaches because ozone gas can never be inhaled as it is toxic in that form due to the instability in the molecule itself. For most medical conditions, an ozone therapy treatment lasts approximately 60-90 minutes and it is possible to immediately feel an increased boost of energy.
Hyperbaric oxygen treatment and ozone therapy have similar methods of action as the two therapies are that they both work to maximize the production of oxygen within the body and this can help with symptoms of many diverse conditions from wound healing to decompression sickness.
The main difference between ozone therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy is that ozone therapy is working to remove the toxins to create a more clear flow of oxygen to your cells and vital tissues where as a hyperbaric oxygen treatment is directly exposing you to concentrated pure oxygen that is in healed and directly sent to all of the cells and tissues within your body. The pressurized air from the hyperbaric treatments is mainly used for decompression sickness or immediate injuries and ozone therapy is implicated more for chronic conditions and auto immune diseases however they both can be used for each of those things.
A well-known study done on lab rats shows the effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy versus ozone therapy to treat sepsis. Although there are modernized antibiotics available septic continues to be a clinical phenomenon that has an extremely high mortality rate. The results from the conducted study showed that ozone therapy had a more concentrated and successful result rate than antibiotics and HBOT. Due to the focus of this study being around sepsis, it is clear why the ozone therapy was superior. Sepsis is when our body is overridden with toxins and ozone therapy specifically works to eliminate toxins in the body to get oxygen flow optimal and this is why it is preferred over hyperbaric oxygen therapy for sepsis. Age but would be favorable when treating other conditions and diseases.
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